Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Strawberry and Blueberry Trifle 雜果三層蛋糕杯

Do you have a hard time deciding what to bring to a potluck party? I do, sometimes. I try not to bring the same type of food every time. Even if I bring dessert, I will try to make different ones.

This trifle is simple to make. It is meant to be served in a glass to showcase the three layers: chiboust cream, cake and fruits. Instead of making a fresh fruit and pastry cream cake, it will make a different impression to serve in a wine glass. Just let your creativity lead you!

Ingredients to make about 8 servings:

one 9 inch sponge cake, cut into 3 layers horizontally
about 3 cups chiboust cream, see below
one pound strawberries
one pint blueberries

Chiboust Cream:
3/4 cup whole milk
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp cornstarch
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp Grand Marnier or other liquor (optional)
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1)  Bring the milk to simmer in a small pot. Remove from heat and cover.
2)  Beat the yolks with a whisk. Add cornstarch until blended, smooth and creamy. Gradually pour in the hot milk while whisking constantly. Pour the mixture back to the pot and use medium heat.
3)  Keep whisking until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and add liquor and vanilla. Mix well and let it cool to room temperature.
4)  Whip heavy cream with sugar until soft peaks form. Mix with the cooled mixture until blended.

1)  Use a cookie cutter to cut out enough cake circles (two circles per glass).

2)  Put about a tablespoonful of chiboust cream in the bottom of the glass.
3)  Carefully layer a cake circle in the glass. Press it slightly into the cream.

4)  Layer some fruits on top of the cake.

5)  Spoon another spoonful of cream on top, followed with another layer of cake.

6)  Finish with some fruits on top.

7)  For best results, refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.


1)  Feel free to use other fruits such as kiwis for more colorful presentation. But avoid fruits that will oxidize easily, like apples and bananas.
2)  For simpler and easier preparation, other creams such as whipped cream or chocolate cream can substitute chiboust cream.


又到年尾時候, 大大小小的飯局, 親朋戚友的聚會便接踵而來, 實在是歡喜快樂的日子。但想到要做什麼菜式去聚會也很頭痛, 我通常都會嘗試帶不同的食物。正如這款甜品, 可以做成一個蛋糕,切開二片,放上雜果,加入奶油,便成為人見人愛的水果奶油蛋糕。但如果用一些酒杯盛載,又有另一番風味啊 !

一個九寸大海綿蛋糕, 打橫切三片

Chiboust 奶油:

1)  用一小鍋將牛奶加熱至將近滾, 熄火, 上蓋。
2)  將蛋黄打散, 加玉米粉攪勻至沒有粉粒, 將熱奶慢慢倒入, 邊倒要邊攪, 再倒回鍋內, 不停攪動, 用中火加熱至糊狀, 熄火。
3)  加橙酒及雲呢哪香油, 攪勻, 侍冷至室溫。
4)  奶油加糖打至變濃, 加入蛋糊攪勻。

1)  蛋糕用曲奇模吸出酒杯大小的形狀, 每隻杯二片。
2)  將一湯匙chiboust奶油放入杯內, 放上一片蛋糕, 再放水果上面。
3)  重覆一次至杯滿。
4)  放雪柜雪約一小時才食用。


1)  可隨意用不同水果作配答,但注意有些水果,如蘋果及香蕉,切後會氧化變色。
2)  其他奶油,如巧克力奶油,可代替此chiboust cream。

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