Friday, April 15, 2011

Mango Pudding 芒果布丁

This is my fourth post on mango. The mango madness is still going on...with no end in sight, at least not yet.

This pudding is so easy to make and yet it is full of mango flavor. Instead of using store bought mango flavored jello, I blended 3 fresh mangoes into puree and mixed with gelatin and milk mixture.

For safety concern, I opted out the use of raw egg yolks. There are other recipes that involve cooking the yolks to kill germs. But I just want to make a simple and quick dessert this time. It took me less than 30 minutes to set it up.

Makes 4-5 dessert glasses, depending on the size of the glasses or cups.

4 ripe mangoes
6 tbsp sugar
1.5 cup hot water
1 cup evaporated milk
3 tsp/10g/1.5 envelopes unflavored gelatin

1)  Peel and cut out the mango meat. Puree 3/4 of it in a blender. Reserve 1/4 and cut into small dices.

2)  Mix sugar and gelatin in hot water until dissolve.
3)  Add evaporated milk and mango puree. Mix well and spoon into individual glass. Add the diced mango and refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until set.


1)  Regular whole milk can substitute evaporated milk. It may not be as rich, though.
2)  Amount of gelatin can be adjusted. Add more if you like the texture of jello. But do not use less than 2 tsp. It may not set.
3)  Evaporated milk can be added on top when it is being served for a more silky taste.



為了做一款超容易的布丁,我沒有加入蛋黄,因為蛋黄殺菌的步驟比較複雜,但如果用生蛋黄,又不衛生,所以都是無加。但沒有蛋黄,也不影响它的香滑情度,如果你喜歡食芒果的話,便不容錯過這又容易做,又快捷(我不用半個鐘頭便做好),又香,又滑的甜品 !


4個 熟芒果
6湯匙 糖
一杯半 熱水
一杯 淡奶
三茶匙/10g/一包半 無味魚膠粉

1)  芒果去皮切肉,將四份三肉用攪拌機攪成茸,另四份一切粒備用。
2)  糖及魚膠粉用熱水攪至完全溶解。
3)  加入奶及芒果茸,攪勻,分入小杯內,再加入芒果肉,放雪櫃二至三小時至凝固。

1)  用全脂奶也可,但淡奶會比較香濃。
2)  魚膠粉的份量可以隨個人口味加減,但不可减少於二茶匙,否則不會凝固。
3)  食時可再加淡奶,會更加香滑。

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