
Thursday, October 15, 2020

It has been an amazing decade: Ten Year Anniversary 十週年紀念


"人生有幾多個十年!?" --一句經典的電視戲劇對白,對我個人而言,過去的十年是很精彩的十年,也是很有記念價值的一段歲月。




2010 十月 第一篇文章

There's a famous line from a classic Hong Kong drama-- "There are only a limited number of decades in a lifetime!" To me, the past ten years is unforgettable. 

This blog is like my third child (I have two adult children). It is ten years old now. The growth of this child is a collection of my learning in culinary skills, especially in the area of baking. From a novice in photography, recipe writing and computer knowledge, I gradually learned and grown. I know I still have a lot to improve on. But it is my proud accomplishment with more than a million page views. I am very thankful to God's gracefulness.

I have also learned some valuable life lessons. One of them is the virtue of 'persistence, not giving up easily.If I gave up after a few failures, I would not have been successful at all in mastering macarons. And finally through much trial and error, I have finally produced a good Napoleon pastry.

I look forward to another rewarding decade!

First post in October 2010


  1. Happy Anniversary! Looks scrumptious! God bless your next decade and your perseverance!
