
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Whole Wheat Bread with Chia Seeds 奇異籽全麥麵包

You should be familiar with chia seed if you are health-conscious or you follow health-related news. According to the newly published book called The Chia Seed Cookbook by Emily Morris, these tiny seeds can help you lose weight, balance blood sugar and prevent constipation. Adding them to your diet boosts healthy omega-3 oil and anti-oxidants in your body as well, and these are just a few of the health benefits they offer.

How can you incorporate chia seed to your day-to-day diet? Besides adding it to your bread, they can be incorporated into salads, soups and beverages as well (for details check out the cookbook mentioned above).

Friday, March 22, 2013

Curried Char Siu in Puff Pastry 咖哩叉燒酥

This post is written especially for those who like savory treats more than sweets. Knowing how to make pastries is a valuable skill. Just like other culinary techniques, once you master the knowledge and basics, there is no limit as to what you can make. It is amazing how versatile it is. Take this pastry as an example. You can put different stuffing to make a variety of treats. Add red bean paste and you will have red bean pastry; add sweetened winter melon then you will make wife cake. Or line a tart pan with it and put different fillings. There really are endless possibilities.
This time I put curried cha siu, next time I can put minced beef or chicken, and who knows what I can fill it with!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Steamed Baby Back Ribs with Plum Sauce 梅子蒸排骨

After making the Pearl Shrimp Balls, I somehow have an urge to make more dishes by steaming. My household loves meat, especially my two teenagers. They seem as if they could not function properly without having meat for a single day. In order to satisfy their appetites, I have to come up with different meat dishes. Steamed spareribs with black bean and garlic sauce is a common dish we often have, but today I tried to make it with a different sauce. This plum sauce adds complexity and depth to the taste and it goes perfectly with rice.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Super Soft and Silky Pai Bao 超軟排包

For some reasons, a lot of Asians prefer softer, silkier bread than the hearty and chewy European style. Just check out some of the bakeries in heavily Asian populated areas in Southern California and you will concur. It is a phenomenon for people to line up and wait patiently to get some freshly baked bread.  (I bet Atkin's low carb diet followers won't be there lining up ^_^) And many of them come out easily with a receipt of more than $20.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Boston, Here I Come ! 波士頓之旅

In less than a month's time, I will be in Boston visiting family and friends. During my stay, I am invited to hold a baking class in Newton, a suburb about 20 miles west of Boston, on Saturday April 6  (hopefully the snow is melted by then). If you are interested and also in the neighborhood or would like to have more details, send me an email:

還有幾星期我會到波士頓探望親朋好友,同時也被邀請在四月六日星期六於牛津市舉行一個烘焙班 (希望那時已經融化),若果你就在附近及有興趣參加,請致電郵與我聯絡: