
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mango CheeseCake (No Bake) 芒果芝士凍餅

My son's birthday is approaching. He's been thinking about whether to have a black forest cake or a mango mousse cake. Both are his favorite but I convinced him to try this mango cheesecake that I learned recently. I altered the recipe a bit. This is a no-bake cheesecake and there is only 22g/2 tbsp of sugar added in the recipe (because the mango puree is already sweetened).

The rest of the sweetness is completely from the mango, so make sure the mangoes you use are ripe. The fresh mango aroma is irresistible!

Makes an 8 inch round cake

A)  Mango jello filling: 
7g/1 pkg gelatin
53g mango puree
267g water

B)  Mango cheese:
1 egg yolk
10g gelatin
57g water

1pkg/227g cream cheese, room temperature
22g sugar

213g heavy cream, cold
256g mango puree
1 tsp lemon juice

C)  Oreo cookie cake base:
8 pieces/125g oreo cookie, crushed
62g unsalted butter, room temperature

D)  Topping:
6g gelatin
160g water
160g mango puree
267g mango meat, diced

1)  Make the mango jello filling first by mixing the gelatin in the water and melting it by microwaving for 20-30 seconds or until melted. Add the mango puree and mix well. Line a round bowl (smaller than 8 inches) with plastic wrap and pour the mixture in. Put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour until set.
2)  Make the base by putting the Oreo cookies in a bag. Use a rolling pin to smash it until it is crushed. Put it in a bowl and mix with the room temperature butter. Use a spoon to press the mixture to the bottom of a springform pan. Put it to the refrigerator until ready to use.
3)  To make the mango cheese:
a)  slightly whip the egg yolk with water and temper the yolk by sitting the bowl on a pot of simmering water. Stir it constantly for about 3 minutes to prevent curdling. Add the gelatin and mix until it melts. Turn off the heat and let it stay in the warm water until ready to mix with the rest of the ingredients.
b)  beat the room temperature cream cheese and sugar with a handheld mixer until smooth, about 3 minutes.
c)  in another bowl, whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks. Add the whipped cream cheese, mango puree and lemon juice. Mix well. Take out the warmed yolk/gelatin mixture from the pot and add to this cheese mixture and mix well.
4)  Pour about half of this mixture to the pan. .

5)  Carefully lift the mango jello from the plate with the wrap.

6)  Invert the jello onto the pan and remove the wrap.

7)  Pour the rest of the mixture and smooth the top. Refrigerate until set, about 1-2 hours.

8)  Make the topping by melting the gelatin in the water using microwave. Add the mango puree and diced mango meat and mix well. Pour to the top of the cake and refrigerate until set, about 1-2 hours.

1)  For the mango puree, use either the canned one or blend fresh mangoes in a blender or food processor.
2)  Alternatively the mango puree on the topping can be skipped to make a more transparent look. Just replace it with an equal amount of water.
3)  Use a warm towel to briefly wrap around the pan for easy release.



A)  芒果啫喱餡:
7g 魚膠粉
53g 水
53g 芒果蓉

B)  芒果芝士溶液:
10g 魚膠粉
57g 水

1盒/227g 忌廉芝士,室温放軟
22g 糖

213g 淡忌廉
256g 芒果蓉
1 茶匙檸檬汁

C)  餅底:
8件/125g Oreo 曲奇,壓碎
62g 無鹽牛油,室温放軟

D)  餅面果凍:
6g 魚膠粉
160g 水
160g 芒果蓉
267g 芒果肉粒

1)  先做芒果啫喱餡: 啫喱粉加水用微波爐煮溶,大約20-30秒,加入芒果蓉攪勻,倒入鋪好保鮮紙之小圓碟(小於八寸),放雪櫃雪至少一小時至凝固。
2)  將Oreo曲奇放入膠袋內壓碎,放入碗內與牛油攪勻,放入八寸活動餅模,用匙壓實,放雪櫃備用。
3)  做芒果芝士溶液:
a) 先將蛋黄加水打散,再加魚膠粉攪勻,以小火坐熱水不斷攪動約三分鐘至魚膠粉溶及殺菌,熄火,保温備用。
b) 淡忌廉打至企身。
c) 用另一碗將忌廉芝士及糖打至鬆軟,加入己打至企身之淡忌廉,攪勻,再加芒果蓉及檸檬汁,攪勻,最後加入(a)之魚膠啫喱,快手攪勻。
4)  將一半之芒果芝溶液倒入已有餅底之模,再放入已凝固之芒果啫喱餡,再加餘下之芒果芝士溶液,抹平放雪櫃一至二小時至凝固。
5)  做餅面果凍: 魚膠粉加水放微波爐煮溶,加芒果蓉及芒果肉粒攪勻,倒在已雪凍凝固之餅面,放雪櫃雪至實。

1)  芒果蓉可以用罐頭或用新鮮芒果肉打至蓉。
2)  用熱毛巾圍模便很容易脫膜。
3)  如餅面想要水晶效果,可以不用芒果蓉,用相同份量水份代替便可。


  1. I love this cheesecake! It look beautiful and has so much mango flavor in those layers :)

  2. I love mango... this looks so good!

  3. interesting...oreo on the bottom. never tried that before. happy early birthday jason!

  4. I love to try it.It is one of my favorite fruit.

  5. It seems that mango is a very popular fruit for many of us. More desserts made with it to follow...
