
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hokkaido Milk Toast 北海道牛奶吐司

I have never been to Japan, but I know that the dairy from Hokkaido is very famous. They have a special kind of beef which can fetch more than $20/pound. Although I don't have the privilege to try the beef, I still can make the bread recipe that derived from Hokkaido ! You can, too !

Japanese light cheese cake and honey cake are pretty popular and delicious as well...

Ahhh! Nothing compares to the aroma of freshly baked bread !

Hokkaido Milk Toast

make a 9x4 inch loaf


297g  bread flour
47g  sugar
4g  salt
6g  instant yeast
1  large egg
33g  whipping cream
30g  milk
27g  unsalted butter, softened

100g  Tong Zhong: 16g bread flour in 83g water, use low heat until a paste is formed. Remove from heat and let it cool.

1)  Mix all the ingredients, except butter, and knead for 10-15 minutes. Add butter and knead for a few more minutes.
2)  Let it rise in a warm place until doubles.
3)  Take out and shape.
4)  Put the dough into an oiled pan and let it rise in a warm place until it rises about an inch above the rim. Brush the top with egg wash.
5)  Bake in a preheated 350F oven for about 35 minutes.
6)  Unmold and cool on a rack completely before slicing.

Recipe from The Bread Doctor by Yvonne Chan

Note: for a more detail instruction of making bread, refer to Tong Zhong Bread






297g  高筋粉
47g  糖
4g  鹽
6g  即溶酵母
1隻  大蛋
33g  奶油
30g  牛奶
27g  無鹽牛油,室温軟化

100g 湯種:16g 麵粉加83g水,加熱成糊狀,熄火待凉。

1)  將所有材料攪勻(牛油除外),搓至有筋,大約十至十五分鐘,加牛油,再搓多幾分鐘。
2)  放在温暖處發酵至一、兩倍大。
3)  取出整型。
4)  焗盤塗油,放入麵糰作第二次發酵,直至高出盤邊約一寸高,掃蛋水。
5)  放入已預熱至350F焗爐焗35分鐘。
6)  取出立刻脫模,待完全冷後便可切片。




  1. Can I not put the whipping cream, anything can substitute of it. I don't want to waste the left over!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Cindy, you can try using half and half or whole milk. However, the higher the fat content, the better it will be. You can use the left over whipping cream for making other goodies, like cake.

  4. is it ok to use bread machine yeast for any of these Tong Zhong recipes?

  5. Hi J,

    Bread machine yeast is the same as instant yeast or Rapid Rise yeast. They do not need proofing and can be put with the rest of the ingredients in the bowl.
