
Monday, December 13, 2010

Baked Char Siu Bao 焗叉燒包

Baked Char Siu Bao
Every time I make char siu, usually I make more so that there will be leftover for char siu bao. My hubby likes savory bao more than sweet bun. It is very good to have it for breakfast or afternoon snack. I made whole wheat tang zhong with flax seed as the dough to add more nutritional values.

1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp sesame oil
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp flour

1)  Mix all of the above ingredients in a small sauce pan. Stir constantly until it boils and thickens. Remove from heat. Taste test and adjust it according to your taste.
2)  Let it cool down and mix diced char siu until blended. Set aside.
3)  After the dough's first rise, divide into balls which weigh about 50g each. Rest for 10 minutes.
4)  Flatten each ball and add char siu. Wrap and pinch the seam. Let it rise the second time until almost doubles in size.

5)  Brush with egg wash and bake in a preheated 350 F oven for 15-20 minutes.


每次叉燒我都會做多一些,剩下的便可以叉燒包,一舉兩得,我的老公鐘意食咸的包多過甜包。做來當早餐或下午放學小食也很好,我是用全麥的湯種麵包 加亞麻籽做包底,更加有營養啊!


1)  將所有材料放於小鍋內加熱,不停攪動至滾及變糊狀,熄火,試味。
2)  待凉後加入已切粒叉燒,攪勻。
3)  將已發酵的麵糰分割成約50g大小的麵糰,滾圓,靜待十分鐘。
4)  按扁麵糰,將適叉燒放於中央,用麵糰包實,接口向下,作第二次發酵。
5)  發酵二次後,掃上蛋水,放於已預熱至350 F的焗爐焗十五至二十分鐘。

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