
Friday, May 1, 2020

Roast Pork Belly with Air Fryer 氣炸鍋燒腩仔

I have tried different recipes and ways to make roast pork but so far this is the most trusted, reproducible and satisfactory recipe. It takes a little planning but very little hands-on time. Using an air fryer produces crispy skin every time and there is less mess to clean up as compared to a regular oven.

2-2.5 pounds pork belly 五花腩
1 tsp five spice powder 五香粉
1 tsp fine salt 幼鹽
2 tbsp coarse salt 粗鹽
vinegar 白醋

Day 1: mix five spice powder and fine salt. Rub onto the meat part of the pork belly. Place the coarse salt on the skin part. Uncover and leave in refrigerator overnight, or up to 3 days.

Day 2:
1) Wash off all the salt on the pork belly. Blanche in boiling water for 10 minutes. Rinse in cold running water for another 10 minutes.

2) Wipe meat completely dry with paper towel. Use a meat pricker, tenderizer or a fork to prick on the skin. This is to ensure the skin becomes crispy. Leave to dry in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

3) Soak the pork belly skin side down in a shallow dish with vinegar for 10 minutes. Rinse well and dry. 用適量白醋浸皮的部份十分鐘,再沖洗乾淨。

4) Wrap the meat on all sides with foil except the skin. 用錫紙包着肉。

5) Air fry at 400F for 20-25 minutes. If you're using a regular oven, bake at 450F. 放入氣炸鍋,用四百度,焗廿至廿五分鐘。如用一般焗爐,用四百五十度。

1) Wrapping the meat with foil keeps the sides from burning and makes clean up a lot easier.
2) Adjust the baking time according to your size of the belly.

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