
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Whole Wheat Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce 全麥班戟配鮮士多啤梨醬

Ahhh... a cup of silky milk tea, a few whole wheat pancakes with fresh strawberry sauce and today's newspaper. This is my way to relax on a weekend morning.

Pancakes are one of those foods that are super simple and easy to make. It really cannot go wrong. It calls for the most basic ingredients that every family should have in their pantry. There is no excuse not to make it because you cannot find the ingredients in your local supermarket, nor does it require any special gadgets for assembly. Finally, this recipe is super healthy, using whole wheat, buttermilk, olive oil (another great way to use the whole wheat flour and buttermilk beside using them in 100% Whole Wheat Bread with Buttermilk.)Furthermore, instead of sugar-loaded syrup, it is paired with a sauce made with fresh fruits.  OK, let's go!

啊...一杯香濃絲襪奶茶,加上用全麥做的班戟配上鮮士多啤梨醬,再來一份報紙。一個柔閑的週末早上便這樣開始,人生幾何 ! 不錯,不錯!


Ingredients to make 6-8 pancakes:

1 cup whole wheat flour 全麥麵粉
1 cup buttermilk 白脫奶
1 large egg 鷄蛋
1 tbsp olive oil 橄欖油
1 1/2 tbsp sugar 糖
1 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
1/4 tsp baking soda 梳打粉
1/2 tsp salt 鹽
1/4 tsp cinnamon 肉桂粉
1 tsp pure vanilla extract 雲哩哪/香草精

1)  In a medium bowl, put together all the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Mix with a whisk.
2)  Whisk the egg in another bowl. Add buttermilk, olive oil and vanilla extract. Whisk gently until blended.
3)  Pour the egg and milk mixture into the bowl containing the dry ingredients. Gently mix until combined. Do not overmix. Some visible lumps are fine.
4)  Heat up a pan or griddle using medium-low heat. Put about 1 tsp of oil into the pan and ladle about a quarter cup of batter. Let it fry until you see the surface starts to bubble up, about 1-2 minutes. Flip it over and cook the other side.


Strawberry Sauce:
1 cup diced strawberries 草莓,切粒
1/4 cup water 水
2 tbsp honey 蜜糖
2 tsp cornstarch 玉米粉
Put all the ingredients in a sauce pan. Cook and stir well until it thickens. Pour onto the pancakes and serve warm.

1)  Whole wheat flour can be replaced by all purpose flour.
2)  Buttermilk can be substituted by regular whole milk. Omit baking soda if using whole milk.
3)  Frozen strawberries can also be used to make the sauce.

1)  全麥麵粉可以改用普通麵粉也可。
2)  普通牛奶也可以代替白脫奶,不用加梳打粉。
3)  雪藏草莓也可代替新鮮的。

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