
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Whole Wheat Bread with Goji Berries 全麥湯種杞子包

Goji berries, or wolfberries, have been around for centuries; even longer in China. It is prized as the anti-aging food. It has properties to improve vision, boost the immunity system and even to help fight cancer. Goji berries' health benefits are endless.

There are many culinary uses. They can either be used in savory or sweet dishes. I usually use goji berries in Chinese soup. It is also good for making jello-like desserts or pudding. Now instead of using raisins in bread, why not make it even more nutritious and healthy by using goji berries?

Ingredients to make one 9x5 loaf or a 9 inches round pan

Tong Zhong:
75g water
15g bread flour
Mix and heat until it turns to a paste. Let it cool to room temperature.

Main Dough:
200g bread flour
145g whole wheat flour
46g honey
7g instant yeast
1 large egg
135g water
1 tbsp vital wheat gluten
5g salt
35g unsalted butter, softened and cut into small cubes
60g goji berries

1)  Make tong zhong and let it cool.
2)  Put all of the ingredients except salt and butter in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix on low speed until it forms a ball. Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes.
3)  Add salt and knead for about 7 minutes.
4)  Add butter cubes in three to four additions. Before each addition, let the previous one blend into the dough.
5)  Oil a big container and put the dough in. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise until it's at least doubled in size.
6)  Divide the dough equally into two for making a loaf, or into 6-8 balls for the round pan.
7)  Let them rest for 15 mins. Briefly wash the goji berries and drain thoroughly. Spray the pan with oil.
8) Roll out the dough and sprinkle some berries on top. Then roll up the dough.

9)  Let it rise until almost double in size.

10)  Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 30-35 minutes.
11)  Unmold the bread and let it cool completely on a rack before serving.

1)  Goji berries are widely available in Chinese grocery stores. Do not soak in water for too long. A brief wash and rinse is good enough, otherwise it may break open and turn mushy. This is also the reason that I do not put it in the dough and knead.
2)  The 20 minutes of resting time before kneading is called autolyse. It lets the flour to fully absorb moisture which makes it easier to knead, especially with whole wheat flour.


杞子在中國有悠久的歷史,據說當年秦始皇尋找長生不老藥的配方中,杞子是當中不會缺少的一種成份。雖然長生不老藥是不存在,但杞子的保健養生價值是不容置疑的。想知道更多關於杞子的好處及養生價值,請點擊這裏 。



75g 水
15g 高筋粉

200g 高筋粉
145g 全麥麵粉
46g 蜜糖
7g 即溶酵母
135g 水
一湯匙 wheat gluten (麵筋粉)
5g 鹽
35g 無鹽牛油,切粒,室溫
60g 杞子

1)  先做湯種,待冷。
2)  將所有主麵團的材料,除鹽及牛油外,放攪拌器內用慢速拌勻成球狀,靜待廿分鐘。
3)  加鹽,繼續攪打約七分鐘。
4)  牛油分幾次加入,每次要待吸收了才加下一次。
5)  大盤塗油,將麵團放入,蓋上保鮮紙,發酵至一倍大。用水洗淨杞子,隔乾水份。
6)  如用長形焗盤,將麵團平均分成兩份;如用圓盤,便分成六或八等份。
7)  用桿將麵團捍開,鋪上杞子後再卷起,放已塗油之焗盤,待其再發大一倍。
8)  放入已預熱至350F爐焗三十至三十五分鐘。
9)  出爐後取出麵包,放架上待冷後才可切片食用。


  1. Totally agree that Goji berries is a healthy addition into these bread. I would love to try baking my own bread with these berries too.

  2. Thank you Zoe. I love your blog and I look forward to joining bake-along !

  3. Hi Phoebe,
    I love your idea to use goji berry and will try next time when I bake bread. I also found out using vital wheat gluten helps the breade more spongy.
