
Monday, June 13, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies (close to DoubleTree Hotel Recipe) 朱古力曲奇

Nothing is more simple to enjoy and make as cookies. Mix together flour, eggs, sugar and butter and after a short time in the oven, you have homemade cookies. If you like add-ons such as raisins, chocolate and nuts, feel free to add them. For a more healthy touch, put oatmeals, flaxseed or even whole wheat flour. Bake for a short time for chewy ones and longer if you like crunchy cookies. It's as simple as that.

But there is some thing that makes the cookies from Doubletree Hotel special.

Every time my husband is back from a business trip in which he stays in a Doubletree Hotel, he would bring back some for the kids (how nice as a daddy ^^ ). And the kids (and I) would fight for it. It has the right texture and sweetness. However, it is very subjective, just like all the ratings that restaurants have from the "experts". The only way to test it is to try it out yourselves. A five star restaurant rated by an expert may only rate 2 from me.

During our recent vacation in Niagara Falls, we stayed at Doubletree and got warm (not fresh, of course) cookies. We loved it. So after we got back home, it became my first item on my to-bake list.

Makes about 18 big or 24 medium cookies

1/2 cup rolled oats
2 1/4 cups/320g all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cup/2 sticks butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp lemon juice
2 eggs
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups walnuts, chopped

1)  Grind oats in a food processor or blender until fine. Combine it with the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a bowl.
2)  Cream together the butter, sugars, vanilla and lemon juice with a handheld mixer or stand mixer for 1-2 minutes until it's creamy. Scrape the bowl. Add the eggs one at a time; beat on medium until well blended before adding another.
3)  Add the flour and mix on low until no dry flour is seen.
4)  Add the chocolate chips and walnuts. Mix well with a spoon or spatula.
5)  For best results, wrap the dough in wax paper or plastic wrap. Shape it to a log shape and referigerate overnight.
6)  Cut the cold dough into discs and put on an ungreased baking sheet. Make sure to space them about 1-2 inches apart. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for about 12 minutes for smaller cookies or 14 minutes for bigger ones. Cool on a rack. Store in a sealed container to keep soft.


1)  Do not grind the oats if you prefer cookies with more texture.
2)  If you cannot wait to enjoy the cookies, spoon the desired amount of dough and bake accordingly. But the refrigeration will harden the butter, which produce better results.
3)  The chocolate chips and walnuts can be substituted with dried fruits like raisins or other nuts like pecans.



半杯  麥片
二又四份一杯/320g  麵粉
一茶匙半  梳打粉
一茶匙  鹽
四份一茶匙  肉桂粉
一杯/二條  牛油,室温
半杯  黄糖
半杯  白糖
一茶匙半  雲呢哪香油
半茶匙  檸檬汁
二個  蛋
二杯  半甜朱古力片
一杯半 核桃,切碎

1)  將麥片打碎,與麵粉,梳打粉,肉桂粉及鹽攪勻備用。
2)  牛油,黄及白糖,雲呢哪香油與檸檬汁用打蛋器打至鬆軟,一至二分鐘。蛋分二次加入,每次都要攪打均勻後才加第二個。
3)  將粉類加入,用慢速攪勻,至沒有乾粉便可。
4)  再將朱古力片及核桃加入,用木匙攪勻便成。用保鮮紙包成條狀,放入雪柜過夜。
5)  將保鮮紙除去,用刀切成小片,放在盤上,放入已預熱至350F焗爐。大曲奇焗約十四分鐘,中小形的焗約十二分鐘便可。


1)  如想要更多口感,可以直接加入麥片,不用打碎。
2)  麵糰雪過後,令牛油硬身再焗,效果更好,如時間不許可,可直接入焗爐。
3)  朱古力片及核桃可以隨個人口味用其他乾果或果仁代替。

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I love Double Tree Cookies too!!! I first fell in love with it when I stayed at a Double Tree Hotel in Maryland/D.C. I even asked the hotel concierge where the cookies were being made. I forgot the name of the company that supplies these cookies to DoubleTree Hotel though.

    Yay....i heard you made a lot of sweet goods at the Chan household
