
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pain de Mie/Sandwich Toast 帶蓋方包/吐司

Ah, those square corners ! I have been playing with the recipe for a while to get those perfect square toast for making sandwiches. Too much dough, it will overflow from the pan; not enough dough, it will not rise enough to reach the corners. The size of the pan is 11x4x4 inches. It is the size you can get in America. Bakers from Asia use a different size, I believe. The recipe follows is just good for the American pan.

Sandwich Toast

500g   bread Flour         
40g     sugar                   
8g       instant Yeast        
1         egg                      
160g   milk                    
125g   water                  
5g     salt                      
20g     unsalted butter     

1)  Mix all the ingredients,except salt and butter. Knead until a ball forms. Add salt and continue to knead for 7-10 minutes if using a stand mixer, longer if hand knead. Add softened butter and knead a few more minutes.
2)  Cover with plastic wrap. Let it rise at room temperature in an oiled bowl until doubles. 
3)  Divide into 3 equal parts. Cover and rest for 15 minutes.
4)  Roll each one out and put in the oiled pan with the seam side down. Cover and let rise to 80% to the rim or about an inch from the rim.
5)  Carefully slide the oiled lid to the pan and bake in a preheated 400° F oven for 30 minutes. Slide open the lid and bake for 5 more minutes.
6)  Carefully unmold the loaf and cool completely on a rack before slicing.

look at those corners !

1)  If you use active dry yeast, you need to increase it by 25% to 10g.
2)  The pan has a lid therefore no egg wash is needed.
3)  Make sure the second rise does not rise too high, otherwise it is difficult to slide the lid close and it may "spill" through the crack during baking.
4)  Bread flour is the same as high gluten flour, 12-14% protein. I prefer to use unbleached flour because manufacturers use chemicals like bromide to bleach flour.
5)  Make sure the pan and the lid are well oiled.


方包,名副其義,要四四方方才叫做方包, 我用的焗盤是在本國郵購的,尺寸是11x4x4,與在亞洲買到的不同,所以我也做了好幾次才找到正確的份量。因為太多會溢出,不夠便沒有角。


500g    高筋麵粉                
40g      糖                            
8g        速溶酵母                
1隻      蛋                   
160g    牛奶                            
125g    水                            
5g        鹽                            
20g      無鹽牛油                 


1)  將所有材料混合(鹽及牛油後下),搓成麵糰,加鹽再搓至起筋,再加已軟化牛油搓好。
2)  將麵糰放入已塗油器皿內,用保鮮紙蓋上,發酵至一倍大。
3)  取出麵糰,分成三等份,用保鮮紙蓋上,靜待+五分鐘。
4)  將麵糰杆平,卷起,放入已塗油的焗盤內,摺口向下,用保鮮紙蓋上,作第二次發酵。
5)  待麵糰升至離盤邊一寸時,便上已塗油的蓋,做入已預熱400F焗爐,焗三十分鐘,開蓋, 再焗五分鐘。
6)  出爐後脫模,放架上待完全涼後才可切片。

1)  如用快速乾酵母,要用10g。
2)  麵糰放入爐前不用塗蛋液,因為有蓋。
3)  第二次發酵不要過量,否則很難上蓋,在爐內麵糰會在裂縫邊溢出。
4)  高筋粉與麵包粉相同,蛋白質含量是12-14%。最好是用沒有漂過的粉,因那些化學物有害無益。
5)  焗盤及蓋都要一定塗油。


  1. Phoebe the English and Chinese are different which one is correct?salt 5 vs 15
